The heart of Biolojic Design is a maverick team of biologists, physicists, computational scientists, and engineers, all dedicated to building an entirely new understanding of what antibodies can do and an entirely new process of how to design them.
Yanay Ofran, PhD
Founder & CEO
Professor, Head of the Lab of Systems Biology and Functional Genomics
Micah Pearlman
Chief Operating Officer
Former Director of Strategy and Transformation, Teva Pharmaceuticals
Ronald Herbst, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Co-author of 100+ publications and co-inventor on 20+ pending and granted patents
Tim Wyant, PhD
Chief Development Officer
20+ years of drug development in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry
Tzvika Hartman, PhD
SVP Computation
Founded and managed Google health Tel-Aviv
Inbar Amit, PhD
VP Discovery
VP of Drug Discovery
Hezi Sasson, PhD
Neal Curran
Chief Business Officer
20+ years of business development in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry
Senior Advisors
Eugene Bauer, PhD
Former CMO and Founder of Dermira, Dean of Stanford Medical School
Michael Hayden, MD, PhD
Former CSO of Teva, Killam Professor UBC
Nils Lonberg, PhD
Former Senior Vice President, Oncology Discovery Biology at BMS
Mace Rothenberg, MD, PhD
Former CMO at Pfizer
Alan S. Roemer
Founding Leadership Team Member of Roviant Sciences. Chairman of the BoD of UTILITY and IN8bio
John Hastewell, PhD
Former Head of Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research Biologics Center
Tim Garnett, MD
Former CMO of Eli Lilly
Michael Kalos, PhD
Former CSO of Cancer Immunobiology at Eli Lilly. Former VP Immuno-oncology and Oncology Cell Therapies at Janssen
Full Team
Zack Adamov
Ziv Erlich, PhD
Associate Scientific Director
Yair Fastman, PhD
Director Of Molecular Biology
Sharon Fischman, Phd
Senior Director of Structural biology
Reut Barak Fuchs, PhD
Director Of Biochemistry
Liraz Levi Gross
Lab operation manager
Noam Grossman
Project leader
Avi Haleva
Senior Software Engineer
Adi Keren
Natalie Levitin
Project leader
May Ben Mayor
Leah Asulin
Itzhak Meir
Jessica Mioduser
Guy Nimrod, PhD
Senior Director & Head of Computational Biology
Nino Oren
Project leader
Nimrod Shay
VP Project Management
Meital Sheleg
Senior researcher
Reshef Shilon
Senior ML researcher
Marina Soborov
Marek Strajbl, PhD
Senior Director Of Computational R&D
Tal Benita
PA & Office manager
Noa Turgeman
VP of HR and Operations
Yarden Tzur-Aviram
Tal Vana
Associate director of innovation
Efrat Cohen Zada
Ava Zerbib
Director of Business development & strategy
Dafna Zvi
Executive assistant to CEO
Raz Benou
Senior researcher
Ayelet Chen
Project leader
Liron Danielpur
Associate Director of Biochemistry
Yael Diesendruck, PhD
Associate Scientific Director
Michal Elul
Work With Us
Join our team of computational scientists & biologists, working to make innovative medicines.